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Virginia Larceny Attorney

 Larceny charges include shoplifting, stealing computer data, stealing a firearm, and other forms of theft.  If you are facing a larceny charge, contact our Virginia Larceny Attorney, to discuss your criminal case.

read below defense strategies of the criminal larceny charge.

Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Larceny Attorney

Virginia Larceny Attorney

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Virginia Larceny Attorney Explains the Difference Between a Petit Larceny and a Grand Larceny?

In Virginia, larceny is the taking of another’s property without their consent and with the intent to permanently deprive them of that property. 

Similar charges include Embezzlement, Felony Theft, Shoplifting, Petit Larceny, Grand Larceny, Identity Theft, Carjacking, Credit Card Fraud, Auto Theft, Joyriding, Burglary, and Robbery. 

If you face any of these charges, consult a skilled Virginia Defense Attorney.

Virginia distinguishes between two main categories of larceny. 

Petit Larceny is the lesser offense and Grand Larceny is the greater offense.

Petit Larceny is defined in Virginia code §18.2-96.  Petit Larceny is

(1) theft of money or a thing worth less than $5 from the person of another, and

(2) the theft money or a thing less than $1,000 not from the person of another.

Grand Larceny, as defined in Virginia code §18.2-95., is

(1) the taking from another’s person money or other things worth $5 or more,

(2) stealing money or other things worth $1,000 or more not from the person of another, and

(3) the theft of any firearm of any value not from the person of another.

What Are The Penalties for Petit Larceny or Grand Larceny Conviction in Virginia?

In Virginia, Petit Larceny is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. 

Being convicted of a Class 1 Misdemeanor is serious and can result in up to a year of detention in jail, a fine of $2,500, or both. 

best attorney for larceny case in virginia

If you are facing a Petit Larceny charge, consult a skilled Virginia Larceny Lawyer.

In Virginia, being convicted of a Grand Larceny charge can result in a sentence of 1 to 20 years of detention in state prison. 

Grand Larceny convictions can also be punishable with a $2,500 fine paired with a jail sentence of up to a year. 

If you are facing a Grand Larceny charge, get a skilled Virginia Larceny Attorney.

What are The Civil Penalties a Conviction Theft or Shoplifting Can be Ruled in Virginia?

In Virginia, the same act of larceny can be tried both as a criminal case and as a civil case. 

Shoplifting is a perfect example of an act that is both a Criminal offense and a civil offense. 

You can still be sued in a civil action, even if no criminal charges are brought against you.

If found liable in a civil case of shoplifting, the shoplifter has to pay double the value of the stolen goods. 

If the doubled value of the goods is less than $50, then the shoplifter has to pay $50. 

If the merchandise is in good enough condition to still be sold, the shoplifter will not have to pay more than $350. 

If the merchandise is not found to be in merchantable condition, the shoplifter will owe the retail value of the goods.
The winning party in a Civil shoplifting case is entitled to attorney fees and costs up to $150.

Facing multiple lawsuits and fees can be difficult. 

Consult an Experienced Virginia Larceny Attorney to build a strong defense and navigate the legal challenges you are facing.

Effect of Previous Convictions on a Theft Charge in Virginia

In Virginia, a record of a prior misdemeanor or felony larceny conviction will affect sentencing.

If you have already been convicted in a misdemeanor or felony larceny case, the next larceny conviction will result in jail time ranging from one month to twelve months and a fine set by the court.  It does not matter if the previous convictions were in Virginia or another state.

If you have already been convicted of larceny two times, any future larceny offenses in Virginia will be Class 6 felonies. 

Under Virginia code§ 18.2-110, these felony larcenies can result in one to five years in prison, or up to a year of jail time, and a fine of up to $2,500, or both.

Why it is Recommended to Hire an Experienced Virginia Larceny Attorney?

Larceny covers a broad range of topics from shoplifting to the theft of a firearm. 

It includes Petit Larceny and Grand Larceny.  The many forms of Larceny all carry fines, fees, and punishments. 

The skilled Virginia Larceny Attorneys at American Lawyers Group can help you reduce or avoid these convictions through creative defenses. 

If you are facing charges for Larceny, contact American Lawyers Group to begin your defense.

Experienced Strong Defense Virginia Larceny Attorney

lawyer for larceny cases in virginia

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